Project Page
The project page is used to save, export and load projects in Tonnoform.
Tonnoform Projects To save a Tonnoform Project, navigate to the Project tab and press "Save Project". Tonnoform Projects are saved as ".tnfproj" files. You can load a ".tnfproj" file by pressing "Load Project"
Exporting an Audio File To export your Tonnoform Project as an audio file, navigate to the Project tab and press "Export WAV".
Instrument Bundles An Instrument Bundle is a file that contains a list of Tonnoform Instruments. To export an instrument bundle from all the instruments in a Tonnoform Project, navigate to the Project tab and press "Export Instument Bundle".

Instrument Bundles are saved as ".tnfinsts" files. To load a ".tnfinsts" file, navigate to the Project tab and press "Import Instrument Bundle". Note that doing that will override all instruments in your project. Project Settings On the bottom of the right panel, you will see some project settings.

BPM: Project's tempo

Bars: Number of bars in a pattern

Notes per bar: Number of beats in a bar